Picture Retake Day

Make-up day is approaching on January 9th and we encourage anyone who was absent or retaking their image to please see our photographer on this day. 



Please use the pre-pay code IN THE PICTURE ABOVE OR CLICK HERE to place your order. THIS CODE IS ONLY FOR ABSENTEES. This allows you take advantage of the same packages we provided during original day.


Retaking an Image without an order?  

At this time you are only able to view your original day image online. Once your image has been replaced with your re-take you may go online and place an order using your personal web code we provided to you on your Last Chance form.


Retaking an image and already placed an order?

Students MUST bring in original package and provide it to our photographer. We kindly ask parents to write any concerns on the FRONT of the envelope. Your order will be replaced using your new image.