Jump on Board - Kids Heart Challenge

Claremont Avenue Elementary School is Getting Ready for the
Kids Heart Challenge!
Event: February 7-28th Donations Due: February 28th
It’s time for the American Heart Association’s Kids Heart Challenge™!
By participating in Kids Heart Challenge, your child will raise funds to help kids with special hearts and make all communities healthier; our school can earn additional physical education equipment and most importantly, our students learn about the importance of taking care of their own hearts.
Start today to enjoy educational and fun online experiences. Everything can be done online by downloading the Kids Heart Challenge app or by joining the Claremont Avenue Elementary School online team. You can learn more about this year’s Kids Heart Challenge program by visiting this Virtual Donation Envelope.
Our Heart-Hero Explorers are going on a road trip and you can too! Visit the Kids Heart Challenge virtual gym – it’s a fun, easy way to engage your entire family while remaining heart healthy. To visit the Kids Heart Challenge virtual gym, click here: Kids Heart Challenge Virtual Gym.
As always, your student’s heart health and the health of others is a priority of ours. Start now by taking a heart healthy pledge; choose to Be Kind; or Move More.  
©      Please note that this is an online only campaign. Please click here if you wish to support this year’s program.
©      Our school-wide goal is to have 18 students to complete Finn’s Mission in honor of the 18 procedures Finn has endured. Learn about Finn’s Mission by clicking here: Finn’s Mission 
©      The class that raises the most in life-saving donations will receive a surprise from
Ms. Terpanick!
©      Students that raise $150 will receive this year’s Captain KHC charm!
©      Our Kids Heart Challenge event will be taking place throughout the month of February. Please have all donation finalized by March 11th.
Thanks for your support!
Ms. Shafer                                Ms. Terpanick
Principal                                   Health and Physical Education Teacher